Frequently asked questions

1. How does the Hotspot work and what does it power?                 

The Hotspot supports a long range wireless network that connects a large number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, from smart pet collars and home delivery systems, to smart bikes and scooters, medical transport and tracking devices, cooling systems, smart lighting systems, and more.  

2. Does the Hotspot replace the Wi-Fi in my house?

No. Hotspots use radio signals to route data packets from IoT devices in the network. These IoT devices only need to transmit and receive small bits of information.  The Hotspot does not replace internet or cellular service for regular devices like computers and smartphones.

3. Will my connection be secure?           

Yes.  The data stream utilized by our Hotspot is completely isolated from your other internet connections and this insures all data passing through the Hotspot is secure.

4. What is required of me to keep the hotspot running?

The only thing required by you is continuous electric service and an internet connection. All Hotspot maintenance is performed by us.

5. Will my electric bill increase?

The Hotspot consumes about 5 watts of electricity, which is less than the power consumed from a standard LED lightbulb.

6. How do Hotspots earn money?           

Hotspots earn money by transferring data and verifying coverage of other nearby Hotspots. 

7. How are payments distributed?

Hotspot participants are paid for hosting a Hotspot on their property, and are paid no later than the 15th of every month. First month will be prorated based on installation date.  

8. Will you pay my internet service provider directly? 

No. At this time, due to privacy issues, we can not provide this service. We mail you a check based upon amount of income generated. However this could change in the future.

Results may vary and are not guaranteed.
We do not pay your internet service provider directly.
Not all areas are eligible for this service. Prospective installation site must be owned by the individual filling out the questionnaire.